Workplace Wellness

We offer Workplace Well-being Services for Employers

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More and more the research is showing that the Workplace can be a place of stress, limited resources, continuous demands, situations that invovle dealing with difficult people--including co-workers--and role clarity issues due to limited supervision or supervisors who have too many demands.  Employers and their managers need to be more agile in their problem solving and develop skills that help to reduce their stress and create a workplace culture that is adaptive as well as proactive.  This isn't easy lately given reduced staff and resources. 

However, this is more than work/life balance; these services offer managers and employees to come together and have a shared experience/language/skills to support each other and make positive shifts at work. We offer turnkey workshps on the below topics as well as customized services based on your workplace needs (consultion and scope of work). 


One Hour Workshops:

Managing Balance in Life

Multi-session Groups

Managerial Workshops- 

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Zencare Therapist

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